full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kathy Hannun: How to heat your home without hurting the planet

Unscramble the Blue Letters

More and more homeowners are choosing geothermal over fuel-based oonptis. I see this shift up colse every day, because I cofounded a company to ceatre a new kind of ground-up utility by making it as easy and inexpensive as possible to switch from conventional heating to geothermal. We've done this by ctienarg a service where homeowners can fill out a form on our wtibese, we design a geothermal heating system for them, and then we ilantsl that system using purpose-built tools and equipment. Once the installation is done, that home will have moved on from fossil heating forever, because those ground loops, they'll last as long as the home itself.

Open Cloze

More and more homeowners are choosing geothermal over fuel-based _______. I see this shift up _____ every day, because I cofounded a company to ______ a new kind of ground-up utility by making it as easy and inexpensive as possible to switch from conventional heating to geothermal. We've done this by ________ a service where homeowners can fill out a form on our _______, we design a geothermal heating system for them, and then we _______ that system using purpose-built tools and equipment. Once the installation is done, that home will have moved on from fossil heating forever, because those ground loops, they'll last as long as the home itself.


  1. create
  2. options
  3. creating
  4. close
  5. website
  6. install

Original Text

More and more homeowners are choosing geothermal over fuel-based options. I see this shift up close every day, because I cofounded a company to create a new kind of ground-up utility by making it as easy and inexpensive as possible to switch from conventional heating to geothermal. We've done this by creating a service where homeowners can fill out a form on our website, we design a geothermal heating system for them, and then we install that system using purpose-built tools and equipment. Once the installation is done, that home will have moved on from fossil heating forever, because those ground loops, they'll last as long as the home itself.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
natural gas 3
heating system 2
conventional heating 2
geothermal energy 2
geothermal heating 2

Important Words

  1. choosing
  2. close
  3. cofounded
  4. company
  5. conventional
  6. create
  7. creating
  8. day
  9. design
  10. easy
  11. equipment
  12. fill
  13. form
  14. fossil
  15. geothermal
  16. ground
  17. heating
  18. home
  19. homeowners
  20. inexpensive
  21. install
  22. installation
  23. kind
  24. long
  25. loops
  26. making
  27. moved
  28. options
  29. service
  30. shift
  31. switch
  32. system
  33. tools
  34. utility
  35. website